Jazz++ MIDI Sequencer




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Building wxWidgets for Jazz++

Jazz++ uses a non-stock build of the wxWidgets library. wxWidgets lets developers create applications for Win32, Mac OS X, GTK+, X11, Motif, WinCE, and more using one codebase. This page describes how the Jazz++ version of wxWidgets was compiled for Windows, Linux, and the Mac. The Windows build was generated using Visual Studio. Either Visual Studio .NET 2008 or Visual Studio .NET 2010 can be used on Windows. The Linux install was tested using Fedora 17 using GCC 4.7.2, Mandriva 2008.0 using GCC 4.2.2, and Debian 4.0 (i386 & amd64) using gcc-4.1.2. The Mac build was tested using Mac OS X 10.5.2 and GCC 4.0.1.

Building wxWidgets for Windows

I have used these instructions with Visual Studio .NET 2008 (VC9) and Visual Studio .NET 2010 (VC10). I used VC10 in the following text, but simply substitute the appropriate VC9 verbiage to create a Visual Studio .NET 2008 build. I have both builds living side-by-side on my hard drive.

  1. Download wxWidgets-2.9.4.zip from the wxWidgets web site.
  2. Extract the zip file to C:\ExternalPackages. Extracting creates a wxWidgets-2.9.4 directory directly under C:\ExternalPackages.
  3. Change the name of the top-level wxWidgets directory to wxMSW-2.9.4-VC10 so other versions of wxWidgets can be built with other compilers in parallel with this directory.
  4. Make the following changes to C:\ExternalPackages\wxMSW-2.9.4-VC10\include\wx\msw\setup.h:

    Macro From To
    wxUSE_STL 0 1

  5. Use Start | All Programs | Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 | Visual Studio Tools | Visual Studio Command Prompt (2010) to start a console session to compile a 32-bit version of the library.
  6. Ensure that the command-line compiler and tools (including nmake) are installed and ready to run.
  7. Change directory to C:\ExternalPackages\wxMSW-2.9.4-VC10\build\msw.
  8. Build the 32-bit, debug, static version of the wxWidgets libraries by typing:
    nmake BUILD=debug SHARED=0 USE_OPENGL=1 -f makefile.vc
  9. Build the 32-bit, release static version of the wxWidgets libraries by typing:
    nmake BUILD=release SHARED=0 USE_OPENGL=1 -f makefile.vc
  10. To conserve disk space, remove the build directories (vc_mswu and vc_mswud) under c:\ExternalPackages\wxMSW-2.9.4-VC10\build\msw.

Building wxWidgets for Linux

  1. Before we start the build process, set your PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables so your shell will find the non-stock wxWidgets binaries and libraries that we are about to create and install. Adding the following lines in .bash_profile will do the trick.
    export PATH=/usr/local/wx-svn/bin:$PATH
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/wx-svn/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    After adding the above lines to your .bash_profile file, it is necessary to reload your bash environment to make these changes available. Use the following command to accomplish this.
    source .bash_profile
  2. Create a directory under your home directory. I typically use OutsideSource and change directory to that location.
    mkdir OutsideSource
    cd OutsideSource
  3. Checkout the trunk of wxWidgets using the following command. You must have a Subversion client loaded on your machine.
    svn checkout http://svn.wxwidgets.org/svn/wx/wxWidgets/trunk wxWidgets
  4. Create two directories called WxBuildRelease and WxBuildDebug in parallel with the wxWidgets directory and change directory to the WxBuildDebug directory.
    mkdir WxBuildRelease WxBuildDebug
    cd WxBuildDebug
  5. Run the wxWidgets supplied configure command with the following configure options.
    ../wxWidgets/configure \
      --prefix=/usr/local/wxsvnd \
      --with-gtk \
      --enable-exceptions \
      --disable-compat28 \
      --with-regex \
      --enable-stl \
      --enable-debug \
    The prefix option is used so that the resulting wxWidgets build will be installed in a non-standard location to prevent conflicts with OS installed versions and to make it easy to remove the installation.
  6. Run make using the following command. This will write a file called BuildLog that may be useful if you run into trouble.
    make 2>&1 | tee BuildLog
  7. If all goes well with the build, try to install wxWidgets as root.
    sudo make install
  8. Now repeat with in the WxBuildRelease directory with the following configure options and install the release version as root.
    cd ../WxBuildRelease
    ../wxWidgets/configure \
      --prefix=/usr/local/wxsvn \
      --with-gtk \
      --enable-exceptions \
      --disable-compat28 \
      --with-regex \
    make 2>&1 | tee BuildLog
    sudo make install
  9. Depending on the version of Linux you are using, you may have to run ldconfig as root.
    sudo ldconfig
  10. You can run the following command to determine the default configuration.
    wx-config --list

Building wxWidgets for Mac OS X 10.5.2

  1. Create a directory under your home directory. I typically use OutsideSource and change directory to that location.
    mkdir OutsideSource
    cd OutsideSource
  2. Download wxWidgets-2.9.4.tar.bz2 from the wxWidgets web site and extract this file under your OutsideSource directory.
  3. Create a directory called WxBuild-2.9.4 in parallel with the wxWidgets-2.9.4 directory and change directory to that location.
    mkdir WxBuild-2.9.4
    cd WxBuild-2.9.4
  4. Run the wxWidgets supplied configure command with the following configure options.
    ../wxWidgets-2.9.4/configure \
      --prefix=$HOME/wx-2.9.4 \
      --enable-exceptions \
      --disable-compat28 \
      --with-regex \
      --enable-stl \
      --with-mac \
      --enable-debug \
    The prefix option is used so that the resulting wxWidgets build will be installed in a non-standard under the user's home directory to prevent conflicts with OS installed versions.
  5. Run make using the following command. This will write a file called BuildLog that may be useful if you run into trouble.
    make 2>&1 | tee BuildLog
  6. If all goes well with the build, try to install wxWidgets.
    make install
  7. Make sure your PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables are set to find the non-stock wxWidgets binaries and libraries just created before building Jazz++. Adding the following lines in .bash_profile will do the trick.
    export PATH=/usr/local/wx-2.9.4/bin:$PATH
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/wx-2.9.4/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    After adding the above lines to your .bash_profile file, it is necessary to reload your bash environment to make these changes available. Use the following command to accomplish this.
    source .bash_profile

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