Jazz++ MIDI Sequencer




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Jazz++ Midi Sequencer

Building Jazz++

Jazz++ uses a non-stock build of the wxWidgets library, and depends on the tex2rtf utility to build. See the wxWidgets build instructions and the tex2rtf build instructions to create and install the non-stock wxWidgets build and tex2rtf utility. This non-stock wxWidgets build and tex2rtf utility must be available before using the instructions on this page.

Building Jazz++ for Windows

There are Visual Studio .NET 2005 (VC8) and Visual Studio .NET 2008 (VC9) solution and project files available for building on a Windows based PC. These solution and project files have been tested on Windows XP and Vista.

  1. Use a subversion client to check out the trunk version of Jazz++. TortoiseSVN is a good Subversion client for Windows and is integrated with the Windows Explorer.
  2. The Visual Studio .NET 2005 solution file (JazzPlusPlus-VC8.sln), can be found in the jazzplusplus/trunk/jazz/vc8 directory.
  3. The Visual Studio .NET 2008 solution file (JazzPlusPlus-VC9.sln), can be found in the jazzplusplus/trunk/jazz/vc9 directory.

Each of these solutions rely on the existence of an environment variable called EXT_PKGS. This environment variable indicates the location of external packages used by Jazz++. wxWidgets is an example of an external package used by Jazz++. If you followed the wxWidgets build instructions found on this web site, you should set this environment variable to C:\ExternalPackages. The project settings rely on the wxWidgets subdirectories following the naming convention suggested in the wxWidgets build instructions (wxMSW-2.8.10-VC8 for Visual Studio .NET 2005 and wxMSW-2.8.10-VC9 for Visual Studio .NET 2008).

Building Jazz++ for Linux

  1. Change directory to the OutsideSource you created when building wxWidgets.
    cd OutsideSource
  2. Checkout the HEAD version of Jazz++ using the following command. You must have a Subversion client installed on your machine.
    svn checkout svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/jazzplusplus/code/trunk/jazz jazz
  3. Change directory to the created jazz directory and run the bootstrap script.
    cd jazz
  4. Change directory to OutsideSource under your home directory and create a directory called JazzBuild that is in parallel with the jazz source tree directory, and change directory to that location.
    cd ..
    mkdir JazzBuild
    cd JazzBuild
  5. Run the configure command generated by the ./bootstrap script with the following options.
    ../jazz/configure \
      --prefix=/usr/local/Jazz++ \
      --enable-alsa \
    The prefix option is used so that the make install step found later in these instructions, will create a separate Jazz++ directory for the installation. make install will create a copy of the jazz.cfg file that is independent of the one distributed in the source tree. The configuration file is modified by the Jazz++ binary. If the version of the jazz.cfg file in your svn working directory was altered, this could lead to update conflicts when updating the code using Subversion. This may lead to problems using Jazz++ as a result.
  6. Run make using the following command. This will write a file called BuildLog that may be useful if you run into trouble.
    make 2>&1 | tee BuildLog
  7. If all goes well with the build, install Jazz++ using the following command.
    make install

You should now have a jazz binary in /usr/local/Jazz++/bin. If the code prompts you for a Jazz++ configuration file, select the jazz.cfg file found in /usr/local/Jazz++/share/Jazz++.

Building Jazz++ for Mac OS X 10.5.2

  1. Checkout the HEAD version of Jazz++ using the following command.
    svn checkout https://jazzplusplus.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jazzplusplus/trunk/jazz jazz
  2. Change directory to the created jazz directory and run the bootstrap script.
    cd jazz
  3. Change directory to Jazz++ and create a directory called Build in parallel with the jazz directory and change directory to that location.
    cd ..
    mkdir Build
    cd Build
  4. Run the configure command generated by the ./bootstrap script with the following options.
    ../jazz/configure \
      --prefix=$HOME/Jazz++/TestInstall \
      --enable-static=yes \
    The prefix option is used so that the resulting install will not use the jazz.cfg file from the svn repository. The configuration file is modified by the Jazz++ binary. If the version in your svn working directory was altered, this could lead to update conflicts when updating the code. This may lead to problems using Jazz++.
  5. Run make using the following command. This will write a file called BuildLog that may be useful if you run into trouble.
    make 2>&1 | tee BuildLog
  6. If all goes well with the build, install Jazz++ using the following command.
    make install

You should now have a jazz binary in $HOME/Jazz++/TestInstall/bin. If the code prompts you for a Jazz++ configuration file, select the jazz.cfg file found in $HOME/Jazz++/TestInstall/share/Jazz++.

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